Monday 21 August 2017

Femto-Second Photography

Femto-Second Photography-

Femto-second photography is a technique discovered by MIT  team, In this technique we slow down the capturing up to level that can record the travelling of light beam as shown below in sec image.


How Does Femto-Photography Work?

The technique is based on measuring the variation in a pulse of light’s intensity with respect to time and repeated laser pulse simulate a moving image, in femto photographyo laser technique is used to snap thousand of snaps.
Instead of using round lens here Slit is used and the ray of light when enter in to camera and photons passes though slit are next converted in to electron with help of sensor and then it passes though electric field that charge continuously and help to deflect all electron in direction perpendicular to slit. A sensor inside the camera captures the photons one slit a time. Each “slice of photons” is then combined into one video image just like in old TV CRT.
And because it is impossible to record light at such speed ,so camera takes thousand of snap to re-create the image.
Application of Femto-Photography-
1. Help in medical activities for detecting critical blockage.
2.Help in military purpose.
3.Help to update image processing technique up to next level. etc